Saturday, September 10, 2011

Week 4 - Network Application and E-commerce

1.       Why has the web grown so dramatically?
The web has grown so dramatically because in today’s day and age the access to the internet has become easier as more computers are equipped with the ability to provide the internet and there are more places available for people to access the internet. The internet has also grown more dramatically because there is open communications and coupled with a collaborated activity, there are more people in touch via the internet, allowing for dramatic growth.
2.       What is Web 2.0, how does it differ from 1.0?
Web 2.0 is interactive internet, such as facebook, and Tumblr. Sites that allow you to interact with others. Web 1.0 is non-interactive and is more search engine oriented such as google.

3.       How could a web 2.0 technology be used in business?
2.0 technology could be used in a business through blogs. CEO’s  can use blogs to explain products and give information to staff members. Sites such as ‘Wiki’ offer business a chance to update a common body of knowledge, which can then lead to 2.0 technology being used to harness the knowledge within the company.
4.       What is eBusiness, how does it differ from eCommerce?
E-business is whole business actions on the internet. This involves web marketing, sales channels and electronic transactions. With an e-business, everything is provided over the internet. However, e-commerce is only the buying and selling on the internet. It does not involve marketing and sales channels like e-business does.
5.       What is pure and partial eCommerce
Pure e-commerce is solely online, the product is sold online and remains online. This includes Apple iTunes, where a product is bought and no tangible product is ever delivered to your home, however it stays on your computer. Partial e-commerce is the buying and selling online, but with a product to be delivered. Partial e-commerce is just front end, such as ebay where you can buy a product and have it delivered to your door.
6.       List and describe the various eBusiness models?
Various e-Business models include ebay, Apple iTunes, consumer 2 consumer and business 2 business and business to consumer, where there is one seller and many buyers with buyers coming together to buy products and many potential consumers.

1.       List and describe the major B2B models?
The major B2B models include the sell-side e-marketplace and buyer side market place. The Sell-side e-marketplace is a ‘web-based niche marketplace in which one company sells to many business buyers from e-catalog’s or auctions, frequently over an extranet.’ (Baltzan et al, 2010). Buyer side marker place is an acquisition site that promotes and uses  reverse auctions, group purchasing and negotiations.  
1.       Outline 2 opportunities and 2 challenges faced by companies doing business online?
There are many opportunities and challenges that face business operating in e-commerce. The challenges that companies face when conducting e-commerce is channel conflict and order fulfilment. Channel conflict can occur when ‘manufacturers disintermediate their channel partners, including distributors, retailers, dealers and sales representatives, by selling their products directly to consumers…’ (Baltzan et al 2010). Order fulfilment is essentially filling the order that has been placed on line, it is finding the product, and then packaging it and dispatching it to the buyer. It can become an issue because it may be hard to locate the product and package it efficiently for a fast delivery.
Cycle of oder fulfillment. Source:

Opportunities of e-commerce include the prospect of being seen all over the world because of the easily accessibility of the internet and what it offers to consumers. Another opportunity of e-commerce is an easy to use system that encourages consumers to come back and re-purchase products from the same e-commerce website, with the easy to use payment options such as PayPal.
E-commerce Logos. Source:


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