Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Week 8 - Databases and Data Warehouses

1.       List, describe, and provide an example of each of the five characteristics of high quality information.
High Quality information. Source:
The five characteristics of high quality information is accuracy, completeness, consistency, uniqueness and timeliness.
§  Accuracy: if the data we have is inaccurate it means that the organisation will not have high quality information. Accuracy prevents data entry errors so that high quality information is available to the organisation.
§  Completeness: when there is incomplete data within a database the information is not of high quality to the organisation. When the data is complete the data is accurate and of high quality.
§  Consistency: the data within a database must be consistent so that when the data is shared among different departments there are no errors, therefore leaving the organisation with high quality information.
§  Uniqueness: the data that is entered into the database must be unique so that the reliability of the organisation is held because the same data is shared within different departments allowing the business to have high quality data that differs from other organisations.
§  Timeliness: data needs to be updated within a timely manner so that the business has up to date and reliable information that can be used within the organisation, so that it is of high quality.

2.       Define the relationship between a database and a database management system.
The relationship between database and a database management system is profound. A database is defined as ‘… the heart of an organisation, it stores key business information such as:’ (Baltzan et al 2010)
²  Sales data – Customers, sales and contacts
²  Inventory data – Orders, stock and delivery
²  Student data – Names, addresses and grades.
A database management system is a ‘group of programs that manipulate the database.’ (Baltzan et al 2010). It provides businesses with a line between the database and the users that is has within an organisation and other application programs.
The relationship between the two, database and database management system, allows for business organisations to have an effective and useful database. The database management system are able to monitor and manipulate the already existing database to co-exist with users and other programs.
Database management system. Source

3.       Describe the advantages an organisation can gain by using a database.
When using a database approach an organisation can gain many advantages. These advantages include data security, data integrity and data independence.
²  Data security – data security from the data base approach ensures that the organisations data is safe from theft, destruction or modification. This allows for the organisation to ensure that their data is of higher quality than that of their competitors.
²  Data integrity – data integrity is an advantage gained from the database approach and includes the data meeting all limitations placed upon the organisation.
²  Data independence – data independence is another advantage gained by organisations using the database approach. Data independence means that the data and the applications used are independent of each other. This allows the data to be accessed by many different applications.

4.       Define the fundamental concepts of the relational database model.
A rational database is a collection of tables that stores information and data and can be accessed in many different ways but does not have to reorganise the tables used within the database.
The fundamental concepts of a rational database model are:
²  ‘Content: What data should be collected and at what costs?
²  Access: What data should be provided to which users and when?
²  Logical structure: How should data be arranged so that it makes sense to a given user?
²  Physical organisation: Where should data be physically located?’ (Baltzan et al, 2010)
Relational database model. Source: Google.com

5.       Describe the benefits of a data-driven website.
A data driven website uses databases to store information that is taken from users when using the internet and is constantly updated and uses the database to identify the customer’s needs.
The benefits of a data-driven website include:
²  ‘Development
²  Content management
²  Future expandability
²  Minimising human error
²  Cutting production and update costs
²  More efficient
²  Improved stability
²  Real time information like stock levels and price changes.’ (Baltzan et al, 2010)
Data driven website model. Source:
6.       Describe the roles and purposes of data warehouses and data marts in an organization
A data mart is defined as the access level of a data warehouse. The data warehousing and data mart allow a business organisation to store a large amount of their data to be easily sorted, anaylsed and accessed by the organisation. This is useful for organisations as it allows them to make decisions without disturbing the activites wiithin the business organisation. Both the data warehousing and data marts are implemented to make it easier for organisations to make decisions.

Source: http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B28359_01/server.111/b28318/bus_intl.htm

Book source:
Baltzan, Phillips, Lynch, Blakey. 2010. Business Driven Information Systems. McGraw Hill. Sydney, Australia.

Week 7 - Wireless Technology and Computer Network

1. Explain the business benefits of using wireless technology.
Wireless technology has been taking over businesses in recent years. The benefits that can be gained from using wireless technology includes the gaining of productivity as the employees have access to the businesses resources from anywhere allowing employees to work anywhere at all times, changing the way that organisations run.
Wireless Technology. Source: Google.com

2. Describe the business benefits associated with VoIP
VOIP stands for voice over IP. This allows for phone calls, faxes, voice mail, e-mail and web conferences communication over digital networks.
VOIP saves business organisations money and can be beneficial in a number of different ways:
§  VIOP runs over the existing computer network
§  Calls over the internet do not attract telecommunications charges
§  Customers can port their numbers between carriers
§  Can have face-to-face communication
An example of VIOP communication is Skype. Skype changes analogue communications to digital. It allows for VIOP to flatten the world communications and bring us closer together.
Skype. Source: Google.com

3. Compare LANs and WANs
LANs stands for Local area network. Local Area Network is where computers are in the same geographical area, sharing filers and printers in the same area. WANs stands for Wide area networks. These connect computers at different geographic sites. Through the internet the whole business can share and connect to on another.
4. Describe RFID and how it can be used to help make a supply chain more effective.
RFID is Radio frequency identification. Tags such as an e-tag, use radio waves to transmit data and are heavily used in inventory tracking and will in the future to replace barcodes on products. RFID’s can be used to make a supply chain more effective because staff would not have to check inventory, as the radio frequency identification will show on databases exactly where stock is at any time.
Some examples of RFID include the chips in passports that are enabled to instantly transmit data to a national security database concerning the time, data and place of people entering or leaving the country. An e-tag is also another example and is placed in cars to act as a passive reader that will transmit toll charges to the bank account/e-tag account of its user.
Example of RFID. Source: Google.com

5. What is one new emerging technology that could change a specific industry?
Smartphones are a new emerging technology that can change a business industry. Smartphones are a wireless device that enable its user to have access to cellular telephony, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Digital camera, email access, short message services such as instant, text and video messaging, a global position system, an organizer, scheduler, address book, calculator, MP3 player, video player, and internet access. Smartphones enable people within industry to have access to all kinds of data, all over the world, at any given time. This means that employees can work whilst away from the working environment, and access the data that they need to continue with their work, increasing productivity.
Apple iPhone. Source: Google.com

Smartphones and consumers. Source: Google.com

Week 6 - Enterprise Architecture

1.       What is information architecture and what is information infrastructure and how do they differ and how do they relate to each other?
I.T. architecture is defined as ‘a general plan of how IT is to be used within an organisation, it is useful for planning. It identifies where and how important information, such as customer records, is maintained and secured.’ (Baltzan et al 2010).

I.T infrastructure is defined as ‘the actual implementation that will provide for effective information systems, including the hardware, software, services and people involved.’ (Baltzan et al 2010).
Information architecture is architecture that knows what it wants to do; it is the organisation and the plan whereas information infrastructure is the actual program that fits into the plan.
2.       Describe how an organisation can implement a solid information architecture.
A solid information architecture system includes backup and recovery, disaster recovery and information security. Backup and recovery consists of an organisation making copies of their files and programs and moving them to an area where they cannot be damaged so as to back them up. Disaster recovery consist of an organisation implementing a strategy that ensures that their programs, data and files are not lost in the event of a disaster, such as moving data to an offsite place. Disaster recovery also consist of the organisation being able to access information if there is a catastrophic event. Information security means that the organisation does everything to ensure that staff are aware of the security risks and trains staff to comply with the safety, such as the changing of passwords and the logging off of computers.
Source: Lecture notes

3.       List and describe the five requirement characteristics of infrastructure architecture. 
Source: Lecture notes

4.       Describe the business value in deploying a service oriented architecture 
Service oriented – I.T. intensive – around building system that can reuse for many different purposes.
e.g. Vodafone – new customers, credit check.
Service oriented architecture. Source: http://www.softwareexperts.net/DefServiceOriented.aspx
5.       What is an event? 
An event is defined as ‘an electronic message indicating that something has happened, it detects threats and opportunities and alerts those who can act on the information. (Baltzan et al, 2010).
An event is something like an electronic message indicating something has happened
6.       What is a service?
A service is defined as something that ‘contains a set of related commands that can be re-sued, it is more like a software product than they are a coding project.’ (Baltzan et al, 2010)
A service is a service that occurs as a response to an event (relevant)
7.       What emerging technologies can companies can use to increase performance and utilise their infrastructure more effectively?
Virtual and grid computing are two examples of emerging technologies that companies can use to increase their performance and utilise their current infrastructure more effectively.
Virtual computing is a ‘framework of dividing the resources of a computer into multiple execution environments.’ (Baltzan et al, 2010). It is productive for an organisation to use virtual computing because it allows an organisation to increase their physical resources in a bid to maximise their hardware investment. Virtual computing has many benefits for an organisation that allows them to increase their performance and utilise their infrastructure more effectively.
Grid computing is ‘an aggregation of geographically dispersed computing, storage and network resources, coordinated to deliver improved performance, higher quality of service, better utilisation and easier access to data.’ (Baltzan et al 2010)
Grid computing is typically used in projects of a scientific, e-commerce, technical or engineering nature. These projects frequently involve numerous processing cycles when completing a job.
Grid Computing. Source: http://www.adarshpatil.com/newsite/grid.htm

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Week 5 - Ethics and Security

1.      Explain the ethical issues surrounding information technology.
Ethics is defined by dictionary.com as ‘a system of moral principles.’ (c2011). The ethical issues that surround the information technology sector are concerned with copyright issues and pirated software. It is unethical to copy software and re-sell it as the copyright laws do not allow for this to happen and it is a breach of these laws.
2.    Describe a situation involving technology that is ethical but illegal.
A situation where it may be ethical to use technology in an illegal manner is when there is a provision of confidential data that can be used to save someone’s life, such as the use of confidential medical data on a database to ensure that the person is not given the wrong medication. Another situation where it may be ethical to use information technology illegally, is when someone makes a back-up copy of a program such as Microsoft, to ensure that if anything happens to their original copy they have another copy to use. This can be seen as ethical as they are backing up their data but it is illegal to do so in this manner.
3.    Describe and explain one of the computer use policies that a company might employ
Information privacy is one of the computer use policies that a company may employ. Information privacy is a policy that has general principles in regards to the privacy of information within a workplace. The unintentional use of information can be unethical when used for new purposes. Examples of this are the collection of information relating only to the specified primary purpose and to ensure that a person who is supplying the information to another source knows why the information has been collected and how it will be used in the future

4.    What are the 5 main technology security risks?

(the five security risks as seen on lecture slides)
The five main technology security risks are human error, natural disasters, technical failures, deliberate acts and management failure.
5.    Outline one way to reduce each risk.
Human Error: to reduce the risk of human error, the company must ensure that it has correctly trained and informed its employees to use the technology correctly whilst also making it easily accessible for partners and customers to access electronically.
Natural Disasters: A fire, flood, tsunami or terrorist attack can lead to the loss of data within a business. To reduce this risk, disaster recovery can be used for businesses. Disaster recovery is ‘the process of regaining access to computer systems and data after a disaster has taken place.’ (Baltzan, Phillips, Lynch, Blakey, 2010). To ensure that a natural disaster does not destroy the companies files, a comprehensive disaster recovery plan should be implemented through the use of alternative sites, communications plans and business continuity.
Technical Failures: To ensure that technical failures do not impact upon the business greatly, the company must ensure that they have backed-up their data and have offsite data holders that can be accessed when there is a technical failure.
Deliberate Acts: Deliberate acts can be hard to prevent. Deliberate acts can, however, be prevented through the use of strong security systems. To secure the data from deliberate acts, there must be strong security passwords in place and adequate training provided to staff to ensure less deliberate acts.
Management failures: To reduce the risk of management failures, management can provide training to staff, ensure that all documentation is backed up and checked by others apart from themselves and ensure that a strict procedure is in place when using and recording data.
6.    What is a disaster recovery plan, what strategies might a firm employ?
A disaster recovery plan is ‘the process of regaining access to computer systems and data after a disaster has taken place.’ (Baltzan et al 2010). It is essentially a plan that says what a company will do in a catastrophic event. It involves communication, where information is held (office backup), business continuity and moving files to a ‘cloud’.
A firm might employ a strategy where the move there information off sight and access this data from a different data centre. This is evident with IBM and the movement of their data files to a secure location in West Pennant Hills.
Data recovery template. Source: http://www.intrapower.com.au/Disaster-Recovery.html

Week 4 - Network Application and E-commerce

1.       Why has the web grown so dramatically?
The web has grown so dramatically because in today’s day and age the access to the internet has become easier as more computers are equipped with the ability to provide the internet and there are more places available for people to access the internet. The internet has also grown more dramatically because there is open communications and coupled with a collaborated activity, there are more people in touch via the internet, allowing for dramatic growth.
2.       What is Web 2.0, how does it differ from 1.0?
Web 2.0 is interactive internet, such as facebook, and Tumblr. Sites that allow you to interact with others. Web 1.0 is non-interactive and is more search engine oriented such as google.

3.       How could a web 2.0 technology be used in business?
2.0 technology could be used in a business through blogs. CEO’s  can use blogs to explain products and give information to staff members. Sites such as ‘Wiki’ offer business a chance to update a common body of knowledge, which can then lead to 2.0 technology being used to harness the knowledge within the company.
4.       What is eBusiness, how does it differ from eCommerce?
E-business is whole business actions on the internet. This involves web marketing, sales channels and electronic transactions. With an e-business, everything is provided over the internet. However, e-commerce is only the buying and selling on the internet. It does not involve marketing and sales channels like e-business does.
5.       What is pure and partial eCommerce
Pure e-commerce is solely online, the product is sold online and remains online. This includes Apple iTunes, where a product is bought and no tangible product is ever delivered to your home, however it stays on your computer. Partial e-commerce is the buying and selling online, but with a product to be delivered. Partial e-commerce is just front end, such as ebay where you can buy a product and have it delivered to your door.
6.       List and describe the various eBusiness models?
Various e-Business models include ebay, Apple iTunes, consumer 2 consumer and business 2 business and business to consumer, where there is one seller and many buyers with buyers coming together to buy products and many potential consumers.

1.       List and describe the major B2B models?
The major B2B models include the sell-side e-marketplace and buyer side market place. The Sell-side e-marketplace is a ‘web-based niche marketplace in which one company sells to many business buyers from e-catalog’s or auctions, frequently over an extranet.’ (Baltzan et al, 2010). Buyer side marker place is an acquisition site that promotes and uses  reverse auctions, group purchasing and negotiations.  
1.       Outline 2 opportunities and 2 challenges faced by companies doing business online?
There are many opportunities and challenges that face business operating in e-commerce. The challenges that companies face when conducting e-commerce is channel conflict and order fulfilment. Channel conflict can occur when ‘manufacturers disintermediate their channel partners, including distributors, retailers, dealers and sales representatives, by selling their products directly to consumers…’ (Baltzan et al 2010). Order fulfilment is essentially filling the order that has been placed on line, it is finding the product, and then packaging it and dispatching it to the buyer. It can become an issue because it may be hard to locate the product and package it efficiently for a fast delivery.
Cycle of oder fulfillment. Source: google.com

Opportunities of e-commerce include the prospect of being seen all over the world because of the easily accessibility of the internet and what it offers to consumers. Another opportunity of e-commerce is an easy to use system that encourages consumers to come back and re-purchase products from the same e-commerce website, with the easy to use payment options such as PayPal.
E-commerce Logos. Source: google.com


Week 3 - Strategic Decision Making

1. Define TPS & DSS, provide some examples of these systems in business
TPS or Transaction Process Systems record every transaction as they are transaction oriented. The transaction processing systems involve simple business activities including, sales, cash deposits, receipts etc. TPS is not specific to a single area in business, but rather they manage all business function area activities and are important to the operation of a business.
DSS or decision support systems ‘assist decision making to more complex problems, so called un-structured or semi structured problems.’ The decision support system allows for business to estimate the future cash flow into their business from the use of long term assets. DSS will also help businesses when they are preparing a budget for their operations for a future amount of time.
TPS & DSS Systems. Source: http://www.svtuition.org/2010/12/typology-of-mis.html
2. Describe the three quantitative models typically used by decision support systems.
DSS is used in three quantitative models, including the sensitivity analysis, the what-if analysis, and the goal-seeking analysis. The sensitivity analysis involves the ‘study of the impact that changes in one (or more) parts of the model have on other parts of the model’. The what-if analysis involves the checking ‘of the impact of a change in an assumption on the proposed solution.’ And finally the last quantitative model is the goal-seeking analysis which ‘finds the inputs necessary to achieve a goal.’
3. Describe a business processes and their importance to an organisation, outline an example of how they are used.
Business Processes ‘refer to the manner in which work is organised, coordinated and focussed to produce a valuable product or service.’  A business process is simply a set of steps in order to achieve an outcome in an organisation.  An example of a business process being used is Columbia Sportswear. The company wanted a’ new way to streamline its operations to get up to date information to employees working across multiple time zones. Columbia Sportswear deployed innovative Microsoft messaging software to give its workers flexible, safeguarded access to messages from anywhere in the world. This helps the company to speed up every aspect of its business, and gives employees more freedom to enjoy and active lifestyle.’ (Baltzan et al 2010) This allows Columbia Sportswear to have an organised workforce to produce a valuable product to the community through a successful and important business process.
4. Compare business process improvement and business process re-engineering.
Business process improvement is used as a continuous improvement model. ‘It requires a broad view of both information technology and business activity and of the relationships between them.
Business Process Improvement model. Source: http://www.outbrain.jp/en/service.html
Business process re-engineering makes the assumption that the process is broken. The main concern of business process re-engineering is with the improvement of the experience for the business and will often set new standards within the industry.
Business Process re-engineering. Source: http://www.outbrain.jp/en/service.html
5. Describe the importance of business process modelling (or mapping) and business process models.
Business process modelling is important because it helps a business to perform the necessary tasks of mapping out each of its processes. By visualizing a business’s operations, the business if often able to identify any problems and any opportunities that may arise. Business process modelling will involve making a ‘flowchart or process map’ of the work processes in a business.
Business process models are ‘a graphic description of a process, showing the sequence of process tasks, which is developed for a specific purpose and from a selected viewpoint.  It is important for business process models to be used so that there is an actual graphic for employees to follow and be informed of. There is a process for which employees can follow and see if they have gone wrong at any stage or not.
This then allows for the business to be more visible and flexible, which is fundamental to a business success and gain a competitive advantage.

Busness Process Mapping. Source: http://www.sebata.co.za/sebata/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=42&Itemid=29